Teaching Assistant (London Business School)

1. Finance (INEOS Executive Education Program), Prof. Anna Pavlova, 2022. Mean evaluation: 4.6/5.0

2. Empirical Asset Pricing (PhD), Prof. Svetlana Bryzgalova, 2019-2021

3. Finance II (MBA), Prof. Howard Kung, 2020-2021

4. Personal Finance (Masters), Prof. Francisco Gomes, 2019-2021

5. Finance I (MBA), Prof. Anna Pavlova, 2018-2020

6. Project Appraisal and Corporate Valuation (Sberbank Executive Education Program), Prof. Anna Pavlova, 2018-2020

7. Financial Statements Analysis (Sberbank Executive Education Program), Prof. Alastair Lawrence, 2018-2020

8. Macroeconomics (Sberbank Executive Education Program), Prof. Andrew Scott, 2018, and Prof. Elias Papaioannou 2019-2020

9. FinTech and the Financial Services Industry Transformation (Masters), Prof. Narayan Naik, 2018